
Thursday, June 12, 2003

Pallium Lecture III --- Avery Cardinal Dulles

I'm just about recovered from Tuesday. Not only did I attend the Pallium Lecture, but earlier in the afternoon I was at the Transit Plus office, proving to the paratransit bureaucrats that I was still qualified for service. And, waiting for the van after the lecture, I got eaten alive by the notorious Cousins Center mosquitos. A bit too much for one day.

Cardinal Dulles' lecture, on the teaching ministry of the Petrine office, was predictably excellent, and extremely dense; I didn't have to take notes as furiously even in my grad school days. There's an excellent article on it on the Catholic Herald front page today, later tonight I'll hunt for its url and link it here. If I don't find a url, I'll transcribe it; I doubt the Publisher will mind, and if he does, I'll claim it's payback for making me blush in Cardinal Dulles' reception line [big grin here]. And, of course, I still intend to post links to the full text of this lecture and of George Weigel's just as soon as archmil.org makes them available.

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