
Thursday, September 28, 2006

More Penance, More Prayer! (and another polite missive to the congresspeople)

Here's an update from the New York Times on that ghastly "anti-terrorism" bill in Congress. The part about explicitly redefining the Geneva Conventions out of existence has been removed from the bill since the administration believes it has found other ways around its inconvenient provisions, but the rest of the bill is as awful as it ever was. So, more penance, more prayer!



Mimi said...

Lord have Mercy.

Anonymous said...

What qualifies YOU as an expert.

Karen Marie said...

I'm not an expert, I just listen well and carefully to the experts, and know my Bible and Catechism.....

Anonymous said...

It might be well at this point in the debate to remember that the U.S. soldiers on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan could be considered to be illegal combatants, since their government has never made a Declaration of War, a first step in invoking the protections of the Geneva Conventions. I'm certain everyone remembers their 8th grade Civics class, and all that time spent on the U.S. Constitution. Something about only the Congress having the power to declare war...

Benjamin Franklin said it best, when looking at the current debate: A people that will surrender essential liberties for a temporary feeling of security deserve neither liberty nor security.

Two comments in one day. I have to quit reading so much...

Tom, 2 of 8

Anonymous said...

Karen Marie said...
I'm not an expert, I just listen well and carefully to the experts, and know my Bible and Catechism.....

As do I, but that doesn't make me know better than those WE have chosen to lead.

Anonymous said...

Kari, please read more, and try to understand that torture, the abolition of habeas corpus, and placing absolute power in the hands of a president are not things good Americans or real Christians can support. Please repent. Please.