
Sunday, February 29, 2004

It's just me again

I've snuck back to the house for a couple hours to download my email, peek in here, and take my bills, my March Magnificat, and a big empty suitcase back to Christopher East nursing Home. They were supposed to let me out on Mardi Gras so I'd be here in time for Lent..... but it did not happen. Now they are talking about maybe the end of this week or early next week. Surgeons can make neat, clean, and well-placed holes and slices, but only God can grow skin. I know that patient endurance attains to all things ---- but, my Lord, I want it NOW!!!!

Ash Wednesday at Christopher East was a feast day for Black History Month and they served a soul food feast: fried chicken, yams, cornbread, giblet stuffing, collard greens with ham hocks, etc.

This year's Lenten disciplines: cultivating patience and a peaceful spirit, and eating what is set before me with a thankful heart, even overcooked underseasoned veggies or chicken and ham hocks on Ash Wednesday.

I'll be out by Good Friday...................

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