
Friday, October 18, 2002

Saying "Be not afraid" is easier than doing it....

Last week I received an email from a correspondent who knew our archbishop before he came to us. My correspondent wrote in his email that my name had come up in conversation, and that I must contact my archbishop.

Since then, I've been trying to figure out what in the world to say. It feels like getting called to the principal's office. I don't want to be a pest or a nuisance, and I know I am one of the more odd sheep in this flock of his; but my job is to keep him and this city and this archdiocese prayed for, so I know he has a right to know I exist.....

The transit van's taking me to the Cathedral very early on Sunday morning; I'll spend time before and after Eucharist sitting in front of the tabernacle with the Lord about this, and then, for weal or woe, I'll send an email to archbishopdolan@archmil.org.

Deep breath, another one;
hold hands and match stride with our Lady, Mother of the Church;
step forward faithfully, be not afraid.....

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